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7 de diciembre de 2021 Date2

Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Autores: Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, FAHA, Chair, Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, FAHA, Vice Chair, Maya Vadiveloo, PhD, RD, FAHA, Vice Chair, Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD, FAHA, Penny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD, FAHA, Casey M. Rebholz, PhD, MS, MNSP, MPH, FAHA, Frank M. Sacks, MD, FAHA, Anne N. T ... [»»]

29 de octubre de 2021 Date2

Conocer la composición de las bebidas de reposición para el deporte, una necesidad para una adecuada prescripción

Autor: Rafael Urrialde Desde hace más de 30 años la investigación en el campo de la rehidratación y reposición, tanto de glucosa como de sodio y otros minerales y de vitaminas, a partir de una fuente de absorción rápida de hidratos de carbono, como puede ser glucosa, sacarosa o dextrinas y de otra a través de sales sodio y otros minerales, para poder ayudar a conseguir un adecuado rendimi ... [»»]

25 de agosto de 2021 Date2

Dietary Intake Adequacy and Food Sources of Nutrients Involved in the Methionine-Methylation Cycle in Women of Childbearing Age from the ANIBES Spanish Population

Abtract  Growing evidence confirms choline as a critical perinatal nutrient. However, intake levels of choline and betaine among the Spanish fertile population remain unknown. Given their role in one-carbon metabolism with potential epigenetic effects, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the dietary intakes, their adequacy to existing guidelines and the main food sources together wi ... [»»]

25 de junio de 2021 Date2

On-campus food environment, purchase behaviours, preferences and opinions in a Norwegian university community

Abstract Objective: To assess the food environment at OsloMet, through the nutritional profile and processing level of available commercial foods and drinks, as well as to determine food-purchasing behaviours, preferences and opinions on the food environment, in order to identify whether interventions on campus need to be conducted. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Setting ... [»»]

25 de junio de 2021 Date2

Availability, Nutritional Profile and Processing Level of Food Products Sold in Vending Machines in a Spanish Public University

Abstract Background. Given the lack of data about the nutritional value and other determinants of the consumption of foods and drinks sold in vending machines in European universities and the relevance of this sector in Spain, it is necessary to obtain scientific data on this topic. The present study aimed to assess the availability, nutritional profile and processing level of food products ... [»»]

21 de junio de 2021 Date2

Nutritional quality and carbon footprint of university students' diets: results from the EHU12/24 study

Abstract Objective: To evaluate diets in terms of nutritional characteristics and quality from the perspectives of health, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) and possible associations with each other in a representative sample of students at a public university. Design: Cross-sectional. Dietary intake was evaluated with a validated FFQ, and diet quality was assessed through the Healthy ... [»»]

2 de junio de 2021 Date2

Posicionamiento sobre la definición de azúcares añadidos y su declaración en el etiquetado de los productos alimenticios en España

Resumen Introducción: actualmente existe una gran preocupación relacionada con el contenido de azúcares de los alimentos y bebidas ya que un consumo excesivo se asocia con una mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Además, hay una gran confusión tanto en los datos científicos publicados como en las informaciones que aparecen en los medios de comunicación sobre divers ... [»»]

29 de abril de 2021 Date2

The centenary of the Harris-Benedict equations: How to assess energy requirements best? Recommendations from the ESPEN expert group

  Abstract Background & aims: The year 2019 marked the centenary of the publication of the Harris and Benedict equations for estimation of energy expenditure. In October 2019 a Scientific Symposium was organized by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) in Vienna, Austria, to celebrate this historical landmark, looking at what is currently known about ... [»»]

25 de febrero de 2021 Date2

Safety evaluation of the food enzyme maltogenic α‐amylase from the genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain LALL‐MA

Abstract The food enzyme maltogenic α‐amylase (4‐α‐d‐glucan α‐maltohydrolase; EC is produced with the genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain LALL‐MA by Lallemand Baking Solutions. The genetic modifications do not give rise to safety concerns. The food enzyme is free from viable cells of the production organism and its DNA. The food ... [»»]

25 de febrero de 2021 Date2

Setting of import tolerance for azoxystrobin in sugar beet roots

Abstract In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the applicant Syngenta Crop Protection AG submitted a request to the competent national authority in Austria to set an import tolerance for the active substance azoxystrobin in sugar beet roots. The data submitted in support of the request were found to be sufficient to derive maximum residue level (MRL) proposals for sugar bee ... [»»]

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